Premium Rate SMS is a simple way for consumers to pay for services and products via their mobile handsets. Consumers are simply charged for sending and receiving a premium rate text message. The charge will usually be above the normal SMS charges and therefore an effective method to generate revenue.

Premium Services can include competitions, promotions, TV voting, SMS chat or mobile content pur- chases such as ringtones, games and screensavers. Popular content items in Kenya include WhatsApp wall papers, videos and music downloads, soccer alerts, dating services, games and anti-virus services.

It takes maximum one week. You send your services to us, test for compliance then we forward to the network for testing of compliance and approval. We have subscriber manager subscription flow and one click to SMS flow, with Double opt- in being used in Safaricom and Airtel and single opt – in for Orange network.

Our platform offers a detailed online reporting system that allows you to track and analyse consumer usage and subscriptions. We handle millions of messages on our network and would be very happy to talk to you about how Premium Rate SMS could generate revenue for you. Premium Rate SMS can be run on either shared or dedicated short codes, both of which we can provide.